Started our organisations's wefeature - Sept 6, 2016!
  • Hope

  • Flood

  • Help

  • Save

We can change the life of those who have no hope

Prerona is a Bengali word which means Motivation. It is a non-profit charitable organisation. The movitaion of this organisation is to help poor people who live in the rural regions of Bengal, especially in the extreme southern part of it.

We supply clothes and foods to them and construct toilets whenever necessary to maintain good hygienic condititon in those areas.
our Goal
Our goal is help the poor people to the Sundorban area which is southern part of West Bengal, India
Latest Projects
A few months back we went to Sundorbon to donate some clothes and also constructed a public toilet in that area.
We are planning to publish a magazine every year where we want to accumuate the ideas of creative writers.
All the members of our organization and non members are taking part to the projects where we do some benevolent work for our community.

Successful stories

Our Prerona group organised a city cleaning project. We cleaned the banking of the Rabindra Sarobor Lake at Dhakuria, Kolkata.

About Us

Mr Abhijit Dutta, a renowned civil engineer felt for the poor people of Bengal, and established an organisation in the year 2002 so that he and his team can help to those people who are always under proverty level.

He left us a few years back. Now his wife Shyamali Dutta and his son Sourya Dutta run this organisation with the help of some active Prerona members.